Sunday, September 8, 2024

How To Use Video Marketing To Train Your Employees


Welcome to our guide on using video marketing to train your employees effectively. In today’s digital age, video has become a powerful tool for educating and engaging your workforce. Whether you’re a small business owner or part of a large corporation, harnessing the potential of video training can make a significant difference in employee onboarding, skill development, and overall performance. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of video marketing for employee training and provide you with a step-by-step guide to get started. Let’s dive in!

Benefits of Video Marketing for Employee Training

How to Create an Employee Training Video: A Beginner's Guide | The TechSmith Blog

Video marketing is a highly effective strategy for training employees due to its numerous advantages. Below, we’ll delve into the key benefits of incorporating video into your employee training programs:

  1. Engagement: Videos are engaging and capture the attention of learners better than text-based content. They provide a visual and auditory experience, making the training material more memorable.
  2. Consistency: Video ensures a consistent message is delivered to all employees, eliminating variations in the quality of training provided by different instructors.
  3. Flexibility: Employees can access training videos at their convenience, allowing for self-paced learning. This flexibility accommodates various learning styles and schedules.
  4. Accessibility: Videos can include closed captions and transcripts, making them accessible to employees with disabilities and those who prefer reading over watching.
  5. Cost-Effective: While initial video production may require an investment, it ultimately reduces the costs associated with in-person training, such as travel and printed materials.

Additionally, video marketing for employee training can significantly benefit your organization in terms of employee onboarding, skill development, and overall performance improvement. Here’s a closer look at these advantages:

Employee Onboarding Skill Development Performance Improvement
Video training streamlines the onboarding process, helping new hires get up to speed faster. Learners can acquire new skills more efficiently by watching instructional videos, which are often more engaging than manuals or lectures. Regular access to video resources enables employees to continually enhance their skills and stay updated on industry trends.
It ensures that all employees receive consistent information and a standardized introduction to the company culture. Complex concepts can be broken down and explained visually, simplifying the learning process. Immediate access to training videos allows employees to troubleshoot problems independently, reducing downtime.
Video materials can be revisited as needed, reinforcing critical information. Employees can practice new skills by watching video demonstrations and simulations. Managers can track progress and identify areas where additional training may be required through analytics.

These benefits make video marketing an indispensable tool for enhancing your employee training programs, fostering employee growth, and ultimately boosting the productivity and efficiency of your organization.

Steps to Create Effective Training Videos

How to Train Employees Using Video (5 Ways + Examples) | Wyzowl

Creating effective training videos requires careful planning and execution. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you produce high-quality training materials:

  1. Identify Training Goals: Begin by clearly defining the goals and objectives of your training videos. What skills or knowledge do you want employees to gain? Having a well-defined purpose will guide your content creation.
  2. Script and Storyboard: Create a script that outlines the content and narration for your video. A storyboard can help visualize how each scene will unfold. Planning ahead ensures a structured and coherent video.
  3. Choose the Right Equipment: Invest in quality video and audio equipment. This includes cameras, microphones, and lighting. High-definition visuals and clear audio are essential for engagement.
  4. Filming and Production: Record your video content according to the script and storyboard. Pay attention to lighting, framing, and audio quality during filming. Multiple takes may be necessary for perfection.
  5. Editing and Post-Production: Use video editing software to refine your footage. Edit out mistakes, add graphics, subtitles, and transitions, and ensure the video flows smoothly. Enhance audio quality and adjust color and brightness as needed.
  6. Hosting and Distribution: Choose a reliable video hosting platform or Learning Management System (LMS) to host your training videos. Ensure that the platform supports easy access and tracking of video views and engagement.
  7. Measuring Success: Implement analytics tools to measure the effectiveness of your training videos. Track engagement metrics, such as view counts, completion rates, and user feedback. Use this data to make improvements.

Here’s a more detailed breakdown of the filming and production phase:

Key Filming Considerations Post-Production Tips
Lighting: Ensure even lighting to avoid harsh shadows and create a professional look. Editing Software: Invest in professional video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro for advanced editing capabilities.
Audio: Use external microphones to capture clear and crisp sound. Minimize background noise. Graphics and Text: Incorporate on-screen text, graphics, and animations to enhance understanding.
Camera Angles: Experiment with different angles and perspectives to keep viewers engaged. Transitions: Use smooth transitions between scenes to maintain continuity.

By following these steps and paying attention to the details, you can create effective training videos that engage employees and facilitate their learning and development.

1. Identify Training Goals

Before embarking on the creation of training videos, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of your training goals. Identifying these goals is the foundational step that shapes the entire training process. Here’s how to go about it:

  1. Assess Your Audience: Begin by understanding your target audience—the employees who will be undergoing the training. Consider their roles, existing skill levels, and any specific needs or challenges they may have. This assessment will help you tailor the training content to their requirements.
  2. Define Learning Objectives: Clearly articulate what you want employees to achieve through the training videos. Learning objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). For example, if you’re creating a video on customer service, a learning objective could be, “Employees should be able to handle customer complaints effectively within two weeks.”
  3. Align with Organizational Goals: Ensure that your training goals align with the broader objectives of your organization. Consider how improving employee skills and knowledge in a specific area will contribute to overall company success.
  4. Prioritize Topics: If you have multiple training goals, prioritize them based on urgency and importance. This will help you create a training plan that addresses the most critical needs first.
  5. Measure Success: Determine how you will measure the success of your training program. Will it be through improved performance metrics, reduced errors, increased customer satisfaction, or other key performance indicators (KPIs)? Establish a baseline measurement to track progress.

Identifying training goals is not a one-time process but an ongoing one. As your organization evolves and employee needs change, revisit and adapt your training objectives accordingly. Keep communication channels open with your employees to gather feedback and make necessary adjustments to your training content.

Key Considerations
Collaboration: Involve relevant stakeholders, such as department heads and subject matter experts, in the goal-setting process to ensure alignment with organizational needs.
Feedback Loops: Establish feedback mechanisms, such as surveys and assessments, to continuously evaluate the effectiveness of your training program in achieving its goals.

By taking the time to identify your training goals thoroughly, you set the stage for the creation of training videos that are not only engaging but also directly contribute to the growth and success of your employees and organization.

2. Script and Storyboard

Once you’ve established your training goals, the next critical step in creating effective training videos is developing a clear script and storyboard. These planning documents serve as the foundation for your video production and ensure that your message is conveyed effectively. Here’s how to approach this phase:

  1. Outline the Training Content: Begin by outlining the key points and topics that your video will cover. Ensure that the content aligns with the learning objectives established in the previous step. Organize the information logically to create a coherent narrative.
  2. Write a Script: Develop a detailed script that includes the dialogue, narration, and any on-screen text. Use a conversational and engaging tone that resonates with your target audience. Clearly define who will be speaking, what they will say, and when.
  3. Create a Storyboard: Translate your script into a visual storyboard. Sketch out scenes, shots, and transitions. Include notes on camera angles, character actions, and any visual elements or graphics that need to be incorporated. A storyboard provides a visual roadmap for your video production.
  4. Consider Visual Elements: Determine what visual aids will enhance understanding. This could include animations, graphics, charts, or product demonstrations. Visual elements should complement the script and reinforce key points.
  5. Review and Revise: Collaborate with team members, subject matter experts, or trainers to review the script and storyboard. Incorporate feedback and make revisions as necessary to ensure accuracy and clarity.

Clarity and organization are essential in scripting and storyboarding. A well-structured script and storyboard will not only guide the video production process but also make it easier for viewers to follow and absorb the training content.

Key Considerations
Visual Flow: Ensure a logical flow of visuals and narration in your storyboard to maintain viewer engagement.
Engagement Elements: Identify opportunities to add engagement elements, such as quizzes, interactive exercises, or real-world scenarios, to reinforce learning.

Remember that the script and storyboard act as guides, but they should also allow for some flexibility during filming to accommodate unexpected changes or creative improvements. With a well-prepared script and storyboard, your training video production will be more efficient and produce high-quality, effective results.

3. Choose the Right Equipment

When it comes to creating effective training videos, selecting the appropriate equipment is a crucial step. The quality of your video and audio will greatly impact the viewer’s experience and the effectiveness of your training. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to choose the right equipment:

  1. Camera: Invest in a good quality camera that can capture high-definition video. While professional-grade cameras are ideal, many modern smartphones also offer excellent video recording capabilities. Ensure that the camera you choose supports the resolution and frame rate you desire.
  2. Audio: High-quality audio is equally important. Consider using an external microphone or a lavalier microphone to capture clear and crisp sound. Pay attention to minimizing background noise during recording.
  3. Lighting: Proper lighting is essential for creating a well-lit and professional-looking video. Natural light or soft, diffused artificial lighting can help reduce harsh shadows and create a pleasing visual aesthetic.
  4. Tripod or Stabilizer: To avoid shaky footage, use a tripod or a stabilizer for steady shots. This is especially important when shooting scenes that require minimal camera movement.
  5. Backdrop and Set: Choose an appropriate backdrop or set that complements your training content. Ensure that the background is uncluttered and relevant to the subject matter.
  6. Editing Software: Invest in professional video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro for post-production editing. These tools provide advanced editing capabilities for refining your video.
  7. Additional Accessories: Depending on your video’s requirements, you may need additional accessories such as external lighting, green screens for special effects, or teleprompters for scripted delivery.

It’s important to note that while having high-quality equipment can enhance your video production, creativity, and skill in using the equipment play a significant role. Even with limited resources, you can still create effective training videos by focusing on proper lighting, audio recording, and camera techniques.

Equipment Checklist
Camera: DSLR, Mirrorless, or Smartphone
Microphone: Shotgun, Lavalier, or External
Lighting: Softboxes, Ring Lights, or Natural Light
Stabilization: Tripod or Gimbal Stabilizer
Editing Software: Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or Free Alternatives

Ultimately, the choice of equipment should align with your budget, the complexity of your training videos, and your desired production quality. Regularly maintaining and upgrading your equipment as needed will help you consistently produce high-quality training videos for your employees.

4. Filming and Production

The filming and production phase is where your training video comes to life. It’s essential to pay attention to details during this stage to ensure that your video effectively conveys the intended message and engages your audience. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to approach filming and production:

  1. Prepare Your Set: Before you begin filming, ensure that your set or location is well-prepared. This includes arranging props, ensuring proper lighting, and checking that the backdrop is clean and clutter-free.
  2. Camera Setup: Set up your camera according to the script and storyboard. Ensure that it’s level, focused, and properly framed. Test different camera angles to find the most effective shots for each scene.
  3. Audio Recording: Pay close attention to audio recording. Use external microphones to capture clear sound and minimize background noise. Monitor audio levels during filming to avoid distortion or too low a volume.
  4. Actors or Presenters: If your training video includes actors or presenters, ensure that they are well-rehearsed and comfortable with their lines or actions. Encourage natural and engaging performances.
  5. Multiple Takes: Don’t hesitate to do multiple takes if necessary. It’s common to have retakes to achieve the desired level of performance and quality. Continuity is essential, so ensure consistency in visuals and sound between takes.
  6. B-Roll Footage: Capture B-roll footage to complement your primary shots. B-roll can be used for transitions, illustrating points, or adding visual interest. It adds depth and variety to your video.
  7. Review Footage: Periodically review the footage to ensure everything is on track. Address any issues, make necessary adjustments, and continue filming. It’s easier to correct mistakes during filming than in post-production.

Filming and production require careful planning and execution. Attention to detail in this phase ensures that your training video maintains a professional look and engages your audience effectively.

Production Tips
Lighting: Continuously monitor and adjust lighting to maintain consistency throughout filming. Changes in natural light can affect your shots.
Camera Movement: Use camera movement purposefully. Steady shots are essential, but controlled movement, such as pans or zooms, can add dynamism to your video.
Communication: Maintain clear communication with your team, including actors, camera operators, and sound technicians, to ensure a smooth filming process.

Remember that the success of your training video depends on the quality of the footage and audio recorded during this phase. A well-executed filming and production process sets the stage for effective post-production and the final delivery of your training materials.

5. Editing and Post-Production

The editing and post-production phase is where you transform raw footage into a polished and engaging training video. This step is critical for maintaining viewer interest and ensuring that the content is clear and concise. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to approach editing and post-production:

  1. Import Footage: Start by importing all your video and audio clips into your chosen editing software. Organize your files for easy access and management.
  2. Video Editing: Begin assembling your video by arranging clips in the order specified by your storyboard and script. Trim and cut clips to remove any mistakes, long pauses, or unnecessary content. Ensure smooth transitions between scenes.
  3. Audio Enhancement: Pay attention to audio during editing. Adjust audio levels, remove background noise, and add music or sound effects if needed. Ensure that dialogue is clear and easy to understand.
  4. Graphics and Text: Incorporate any graphics, text overlays, or animations that enhance the training content. Use visual elements to reinforce key points or emphasize important information.
  5. Transitions and Effects: Use transitions between scenes to create a cohesive flow. Add visual effects sparingly to enhance engagement but avoid overuse, which can be distracting.
  6. Captions and Subtitles: If your audience includes individuals with hearing impairments or for language accessibility, add closed captions or subtitles to your video. Ensure accuracy and synchronization with the audio.
  7. Color Correction and Grading: Adjust the color and brightness of your video to achieve a consistent and professional look. Color correction can greatly impact the overall quality of your video.
  8. Preview and Review: Periodically preview your video to ensure that it aligns with your script and storyboard. Make necessary revisions and fine-tune details as required.

Effective editing and post-production can transform raw footage into a visually appealing and informative training video. Attention to detail during this phase is essential for maintaining viewer engagement.

Editing Tips
Consistency: Ensure a consistent style and tone throughout the video. This includes font choices, color schemes, and graphics.
Engagement: Use visual and audio elements to keep viewers engaged. Incorporate interactive elements or quizzes if applicable.
Quality Control: Export a high-quality version of your video for final review. Check for any issues like audio glitches or visual artifacts.

Once your video has been meticulously edited and polished, it’s ready for distribution to your employees or trainees. Effective editing ensures that your training content is concise, visually appealing, and delivers the intended message with clarity.

6. Hosting and Distribution

Hosting and distributing your training videos effectively is the final step in ensuring that your employees or trainees can access and benefit from the content you’ve created. Proper hosting and distribution methods are essential for reaching your target audience efficiently. Here’s a detailed guide on how to go about it:

  1. Select a Hosting Platform: Choose a reliable hosting platform or Learning Management System (LMS) to host your training videos. Popular options include YouTube, Vimeo, or specialized LMS platforms like Moodle or TalentLMS. Ensure that the platform aligns with your organization’s needs and provides features such as user management and analytics.
  2. Upload Your Videos: Upload your edited training videos to the selected hosting platform. Pay attention to video settings, privacy options, and accessibility features. For instance, you may want to set videos as private or unlisted initially to control access during testing.
  3. Organize Content: Organize your videos into playlists or courses if your hosting platform supports such features. This helps users navigate and access related content easily.
  4. Implement User Access Controls: Depending on your training program’s structure, implement access controls to ensure that only authorized individuals can view the content. This is especially important for proprietary or sensitive training materials.
  5. Integrate with Your Website: If you have a company website, consider integrating the training video platform with your site. This can provide a seamless experience for users and centralize access to training materials.
  6. Track User Engagement: Leverage the analytics and reporting tools provided by your hosting platform or LMS. Track user engagement, completion rates, and performance to gauge the effectiveness of your training program.
  7. User Support and Communication: Establish communication channels for user support and feedback. Provide clear instructions on how to access training videos and whom to contact for assistance.
  8. Regular Updates: Periodically update and refresh your training content as needed. Keep it up-to-date with the latest information and industry trends to ensure its relevance.

Proper hosting and distribution are crucial to ensure that your training videos are easily accessible and effectively utilized by your target audience. By choosing the right hosting platform and implementing user-friendly features, you can enhance the overall training experience.

Key Considerations
Scalability: Ensure that your chosen hosting solution can scale to accommodate the growing needs of your organization as your training program expands.
Accessibility: Implement accessibility features such as closed captions and transcripts to make your training content inclusive and compliant with accessibility standards.
Feedback Mechanisms: Encourage users to provide feedback on the training videos and the hosting platform’s usability to continuously improve the learning experience.

Effective hosting and distribution of your training videos ensure that your investment in content creation results in a valuable resource that enhances the skills and knowledge of your employees or trainees.

7. Measuring Success

Measuring the success of your training videos is essential for assessing their impact on employee development and overall organizational performance. It allows you to identify areas of improvement and make data-driven decisions to enhance your training program. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to measure the success of your training videos:

  1. Establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Start by defining clear and specific KPIs that align with your training goals. Common KPIs for training videos include completion rates, quiz scores, on-the-job performance improvements, and employee feedback.
  2. Utilize Analytics Tools: Leverage the analytics and reporting features provided by your hosting platform or Learning Management System (LMS). These tools can provide valuable insights into user engagement, viewing patterns, and completion rates.
  3. Surveys and Feedback: Collect feedback from trainees through surveys and feedback forms. Ask about the effectiveness of the training videos, their relevance, and whether they feel more confident in applying the knowledge gained.
  4. Assess On-the-Job Performance: Measure the impact of training on employees’ on-the-job performance. Analyze whether employees who underwent training demonstrate improved skills, efficiency, or other relevant metrics in their roles.
  5. Comparative Analysis: Compare the performance of employees who received training with those who did not. This can help determine if the training had a significant impact on key performance indicators, such as productivity or customer satisfaction.
  6. Retention and Knowledge Transfer: Assess the long-term retention of training content by periodically testing employees on the material covered in the videos. Evaluate how well employees can apply the knowledge gained over time.
  7. Iterate and Improve: Use the data and insights gathered to identify areas for improvement in your training program. Make necessary adjustments to the content, delivery methods, or resources to enhance effectiveness continually.

Measuring the success of training videos is an ongoing process that requires regular monitoring and evaluation. It helps you ensure that your training program remains relevant and delivers tangible benefits to your organization.

Success Metrics
Completion Rate: The percentage of trainees who complete the entire video or course.
Quiz Scores: Assess trainees’ comprehension of the material through quizzes or assessments.
On-the-Job Performance: Evaluate improvements in employee performance metrics related to the training topic.
Feedback Ratings: Analyze feedback ratings and comments provided by trainees to gauge satisfaction and effectiveness.

Remember that the success of your training videos is not solely determined by one metric. A holistic approach that considers various data points and feedback sources will provide a more accurate assessment of your training program’s impact.


Here are some frequently asked questions about using video marketing for employee training:

  1. Why should I use video marketing for employee training?
    Video marketing is a highly effective training tool due to its engaging nature, consistency in content delivery, and flexibility in accessibility. It helps improve engagement and retention among employees.
  2. What types of training can be delivered through video?
    Virtually any type of training can be delivered through video, including onboarding, compliance, product training, soft skills development, and safety training.
  3. Do I need professional equipment for video production?
    While professional equipment can enhance the quality of your videos, it’s not always necessary. Many organizations successfully create training videos using smartphones and basic equipment. The key is focusing on content and clarity.
  4. How can I ensure accessibility in training videos?
    To ensure accessibility, consider adding closed captions, transcripts, and providing options for adjusting video playback speed. These features make your videos inclusive for all employees.
  5. What is the ideal video length for training videos?
    The ideal video length varies depending on the content and audience. However, it’s generally recommended to keep training videos concise, ranging from 5 to 15 minutes, to maintain viewer engagement.
  6. How can I measure the effectiveness of my training videos?
    You can measure effectiveness through metrics like completion rates, quiz scores, on-the-job performance improvements, and employee feedback. Analytics tools and surveys can provide valuable insights.
  7. Should I update training videos regularly?
    Yes, regular updates are essential to keep training content current and relevant. Industry standards, regulations, and best practices can change, so it’s important to ensure your content reflects these updates.
  8. Can I use free video hosting platforms for employee training?
    Yes, you can use free video hosting platforms like YouTube or Vimeo, but consider privacy and security concerns. For more control and features, specialized Learning Management Systems (LMS) may be a better choice.

Feel free to reach out if you have any additional questions or need further guidance on implementing video marketing for employee training.


In conclusion, leveraging video marketing for employee training is a powerful strategy for modern organizations. The benefits of this approach are numerous, including increased engagement, improved retention of information, and the flexibility to deliver training to a diverse workforce. Here are the key takeaways from this guide:

  1. Effective Tool for Training: Video marketing offers a dynamic and effective way to deliver a wide range of training content, from onboarding new employees to continuous professional development.
  2. Engagement and Retention: Videos capture and maintain employees’ attention more effectively than traditional training methods, leading to better retention of knowledge and skills.
  3. Accessibility and Inclusivity: Ensure your training videos are accessible to all employees by incorporating features like closed captions and transcripts.
  4. Measurement and Improvement: Regularly measure the success of your training videos through various metrics and feedback channels. Use this data to make continuous improvements to your training program.
  5. Adaptability and Updates: Stay agile and adapt to changing needs by regularly updating your training content to reflect the latest information and best practices.
  6. Cost-Effective: Video production can be cost-effective, even with basic equipment, making it accessible to organizations of all sizes.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, from setting clear training goals to effectively measuring success, you can harness the full potential of video marketing for employee training. Remember that a well-planned and executed training program can lead to a more skilled and motivated workforce, ultimately contributing to your organization’s success.

If you have further questions or need assistance with implementing video marketing for your employee training initiatives, don’t hesitate to seek guidance and explore the ever-evolving world of training through video.

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